boxing. Some people with this degree also might be involved in leadership maybe they’re in charge of a company or were the president of a club in high school. Some people with this degree also might also be athletic and if not athletic themselves they might really enjoy watching sports. This degree also deals with “battle” this could play out as someone who fights with others a lot or maybe they might join the army or would look into professional fighting i.e. This might involve dealing with a lot of setbacks towards your goals and situations where people are controlling your life and you have to fight back. 🍯 Aries degrees- 1°, 13°, 25°: If your sun is an Aries degree, the themes of your life revolve around taking control over your life and dealing with struggles to get where you are now. if you’re a Cancer sun look at what the 4th house rules. 🍯 0°: If your sun is in the 0°, you embody the sign that it’s in, as for themes in your life I’d look at the degree of the house that your sun falls in and the house that rules your sun, i.e. TW: Ab*se, health issues, d*ath, s*x, SA mention, su*cide, p*rnography mention, and mental illness. My mental health is just up and down these days, also school is hectic so I’m trying to balance everything. As promised here’s the degrees on your sun and what they mean! This post took me a really long time so I hope you guys love it! Again this is just my personal opinion and how I look at it! Some people might do it differently. You can apply this on both the degrees of the planets or house cusps (with Placidus).Hey guys, I’m sorry again for taking such a long break.

Such as Birthchart, Return charts, Events charts, Predictive charts.

Useful when seeking deeper meaning and insights into a chart. A method invented by the Astrologer Nikola Stojanovic